Clemson - Junior - 6’2, 210lbs
A little shorter than ideal, but at 6’2 is physically well put together and filled out
Athletic mover who can extend plays and scramble with light feet. Klubnik is faster than expected in space, as seen in his run against Pitt
Extends plays and has great vision to find receivers quickly. Decisive between throwing or taking yards in front of him.
Quick and snappy release that can spin the ball well. Not the strongest arm in the class but can hit all levels and generate good and easy velocity on the move
Understands putting arc on the ball to let receivers run through it, showing good touch
Tough player that doesn’t shy from contact and will stand tall while staring down rushers
Has patience to sit on in-breaking routes and wait for exposure, throwing with anticipation
Is making things work with an overall less-skilled supporting cast than you would expect at Clemson.
Can put the ball in harms way and take risks when hunting big plays.
Needs to play within himself and what the defense gives him, and understand that not every down has a play to be made.
Still young for the position and growing constantly, and his inexperience shows
In my quick notes I call Klubnik ‘Andrew Luck lite’ with good reason. If it weren’t for the difference in size and build it would be an apt comparison. Klubnik is a great athlete with nimble feet and surprisingly good speed. He can escape and extend plays, and has the vision and decisiveness to find receivers while scrambling or pull down and get chunk gains. He has a quick arm action that generates good velocity that helps mitigate pressure and space needed to setup and throw. And he’s tough and a heck of a competitor. I’m a believer in Klubnik as a Franchise Quarterback, and hope he goes to a team that both understands that he is still in the growth phase of the position, and needs to be let loose so his mobility can play off of his pocket game.